“Hamilton” has been described as “the hottest musical on Broadway.” The production takes the white founders of the US and replaces them with black and Latino actors. Generating rave reviews, “Hamilton” has created a great deal of media attention.
It just generated even more attention when Mike Pence chose to attend a performance of the musical. Greeted by both boos and cheers, the divisiveness of the recent election became an unfortunate part of the production as did a lecture to Mr. Pence at the end of the performance. And the casting process itself might have just run afoul of laws that liberals originally championed.
More on this twist of events on page two.
FRIENDS PLEASE READ DONT BE DECEIVED, THERE ARE 2 CHRIST ” IT IS A FACT THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE CHRIST ” many will be deceived by the first Christ to come”, thinking he is the true Christ “, but he will be the f**e. man false doctrines will deceived many into following that false Christ. do you know that the false Christ, anti christ comes first and that the entire world will worship that Christ [ satan ] before the coming of the true at the seventh and last trump. REVELATION 6: 1 KJV ” AND I SAW WHEN THE LAMB OPENED ONE OF THE SEALS, AND I HEARD , AS IT WERE THE HOISE OF THUNDER , ONE OF THE FOUR BEASTS SAYING , COME AND SEE. REVELATION 6: 2 KJV “AND I SAW , AND BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE : AND HE THAT SAT ON HIM HAD A BOW : AND A CROWN WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM : AND HE WENT FORTH CONQUERING , AND TO CONQUER”. this one who rode on this white horse had a bow but without arrows. he had authority ,but not the strength to back up his authority. what strength that he did have , was through deception. the rider of this white horse is satan, in the role of the Antichrist . satan will came first as the f**e Christ, the antichrist: and he will ride and conquer the people of the entire earth this first seal we see in detail in the ninth chapter.it takes place after the fifth trumpet sounds, satan is the first that comes. this event will catch many Christians off guard, for many tie themselves to the “rapture doctrine” and will worship the Antichrist” as the true christ”, in ignorance. this is why the “rapture doctrine” is so dangerous. it ties its followers to the first CHrist to appear, the Antichrist, the rider of this first white horse is not the rider of the second white horse who comes with a glorious rainbow around his head, in the nineteenth chapter we will see the true Christ coming in all his glory, and then this first rider of the white horse, satan, will go to the pit, the first rider, the Antichrist does not come in war, NO ARROWS ARE MENTIONED: but he comes in ” religious peace” this is important to remember, for it could bring about your downfall THROUGH DECEPTION. !!! so be careful REMEMBER SEEK THE TRUTH AND dont for forget to SHARE THIS TO OTHERS
Boycott Hamilton!
Screw you ….
They never see them selves as the problem yet they are.
Who want’s to go see a bunch of Libs. Dancing around in tights anyway? Save this b******t.
Racist casting call. #BOYCOTT Hamilton
Boycott Boycott Boycott shut this Racist show down its a scam
Are your loves so clean you can point fingers at someone else. That was so wrong