Half Of All American Have Diabetes Or Pre-Diabetes

Actually there is a good chance you can cure yourself-or at least “lessen” the severity of diabetes.  There are great results that weight lost will cure the diabetes to the point where the patient no longer has the need of insulin. Many too can avoid it if they act early.  There seems to be a genetic component, and knowing the tendency is there, keeping your weight within normal limits may cause the avoidance altogether.

This straight from the report:

There is also the temptation to spend just a little bit more for a mega-sized soda, duping the American population into thinking that getting more ounces of sugary concoctions means they’re stretching their dollar further. In actuality, what’s stretching are our waistlines; more than one-third of Americans are obese. It’s no secret that obesity is linked to health issues, including diabetes. The soda nation mentality continues.

Continued efforts to fight the obesity epidemic are necessary; hopefully, this stabilization of numbers doesn’t lead people to think it’s time to back off from instilling the importance of healthy dietary and exercise habits. If anything, to keep these numbers stable and see them decrease, it’s critical that the government and consumers continue to step up to the plate and keep health initiatives moving forward.

It’s no secret that eating fast food daily is bad.  It’s true, the fast food joints push “go big” and you “get big”.  You can’t win.   Much of what the government is mandating in regards to one’s health has to do with the work force-employers do not want unhealthy employees who may get sick and cost the company.  The government is involved in telling us what to eat, is directly related to Obamacare.   Again, it’s a money thing-they want to prevent anybody needing legitimate medical services.  So be warned, if you get diabetes, they will be mandating you to lose weight. Or else.

Source: Natural News



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