Despite the attempts of the Democrats to portray Hillary Clinton as a friend to people of color and other vulnerable groups, a number of protestors at the Democratic National Convention argue that she is in fact their enemy.
The convention was marked by demonstrations from a demographic group that Hillary and her allies likely didn’t take into account this election season: Haitians. Although the island nation is not a major issue this election, the election itself appears to be a significant one for those protesting Hillary outside the DNC.
This is in no small part to the role the Clinton Foundation played in the reconstruction that followed the devastating 2011 earthquake in Haiti. When NGO upon NGO poured into the country to assist in rebuilding efforts, the Foundation took it upon itself to “help” Haiti as well. But according to the Haitian protestors at the DNC, Hillary didn’t help them – she made things even worse for them so she could profit.
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Donald Trump for President
Haitians don’t forget.
I wonder how many Hillary voodoo dolls there are?
When Haitians can’t stand the stink, you know it’s bad!
read this
Wake up America!!! Vote Trump.
Google – ‘Hillary steals Haitian oney’ – shocking.
Facts come out & truth be known.! Go Trump.!
good – Hillary for Prison, oh and Bill too
Robin Hill