Mainstream media’s silence over the so-called “suicide” of Klaus Eberwein is telling. They may as well be running a breaking news headline over the bottom of the fake news screens screaming “The Clintons have done it again” 24/7 over the past week.
Eberwein was a former Haitian government official preparing to testify and expose the extent of the Clinton Foundation corruption and money laundering next week.
And the evidence surrounding his death suggests that much like all of the rest of Hillary’s victims, he didn’t want to commit suicide…
He was leading a full and busy life and more tellingly of all – hell-bent on exposing the Clintons as selfish, murderous, ruthless, globalist crooks that hold a psychopathic disregard for the welfare of the Haitian children they were claiming to help.
The Miami-Dade, a local newspaper in Fl, obtained the medical examiner’s records and the official cause of death listed. And much like all Clinton’s underhanded doings, it raises more questions than they hoped would die along with their victims. More details on his death and his upcoming testimony against the Clintons on the next page:
Trump style trickle down has never worked.
The poorest 80% of us,
Have lost 40% of our wealth share since 1980.
Due to trickle down redistribution from the poor to the rich. Stop sucking up that con
They keep piling up, the coincidences that is!?
The count just keeps rolling up
Jail these crooks
Gee what a coinsodence
Oh Gee!!!
Don’t know the veracity of this story…but I do know the Clintons literally and figuratively raped Haiti….and with it, the U.S. taxpayers…the amount of money earmarked for Haiti disaster was staggering…and the most shocking thing was that a huge (yuge) percentage of that money ended up in the Clinton’s pocket or family/friends of the Clintons…the poor Haitians were left high and dry…funny hear very little of this from the MSM…just another of the many hundreds of examples of bias MSM and the corruption of the crime family we call the Clintons…
Nooooo I really liked him
Hillary not being in prison is a crime. Our law makers should be tried as accessories to Clinton’s murder spree. They did nothing to stop it
Lock them up