Mainstream media’s silence over the so-called “suicide” of Klaus Eberwein is telling. They may as well be running a breaking news headline over the bottom of the fake news screens screaming “The Clintons have done it again” 24/7 over the past week.
Eberwein was a former Haitian government official preparing to testify and expose the extent of the Clinton Foundation corruption and money laundering next week.
And the evidence surrounding his death suggests that much like all of the rest of Hillary’s victims, he didn’t want to commit suicide…
He was leading a full and busy life and more tellingly of all – hell-bent on exposing the Clintons as selfish, murderous, ruthless, globalist crooks that hold a psychopathic disregard for the welfare of the Haitian children they were claiming to help.
The Miami-Dade, a local newspaper in Fl, obtained the medical examiner’s records and the official cause of death listed. And much like all Clinton’s underhanded doings, it raises more questions than they hoped would die along with their victims. More details on his death and his upcoming testimony against the Clintons on the next page:
what’s it gonna take her brothers and husband raped this poor country beyond belief and here they go
I would like to say that the source is completely FALSE and has been proven that this Haitian official was NOT the one who said that the Clinton’s/ Clinton Foundation is corrupt. It was a DIFFERENT person altogether. Seriously folks, research instead of just believing and falling for whatever “Truth and Action” and other propaganda sites try feeding you. Don’t let your mind be twisted into the lies the alt-right, neo-Nazi’s are coercing you into believing!
I bet she has a freezer full of corpses.
Strange, huh, that anyone who is going to testify in court gets dead!
Another one bites the dust.
Just how many lives are going to be sacrificed for these criminals & traitors who should be locked up & the key thrown away. Another notch on that Clinton belt.
Are these stories true about people turning up dead that are suppose to be testifying against Hillary Clinton?
If this is true, then why aren’t the republicans putting their witnesses into a safe house,unknown to everyone but say for—Trey Gowdy for instance.
No one is to know their know about,no democrats or other republicans either,for safety measures.
Please just take Hillary down.
Someone has to get Hillary locked up. More people are dying all too often and it always leads back to old lady Hillary.
Another one bites the dust! KILLARY FOR PRISON!
Piling on the dead witnesses!!
Eric L Runion — You found something funny? Please, do share!!!!! You, Eric, unfortunately have proven yourself to be not-very-well informed. So, get back to me — only AFTER you brush up on FACTS!!