More proof that our national security has been compromised surfaced this week in the form of a major breach of government data.
Just weeks after Anonymous-affiliated hackers infiltrated NASA’s computer systems and stole reams of information from the agency, another, even more serious hacking incident has taken place. This time around, the Department of Homeland Security was the target, and the consequences of it could be devastating.
Bragging on social media this past Sunday about the act, an individual who is only known by the Twitter handle @DotGovs claimed responsibility for hacking into the Department of Justice’s internet database and seizing personal information about as many as 10,000 DHS employees. The hacker proceeded to post it on the web, putting the employees at risk and weakening the department’s ability to operate.
Not satisfied with this single act of cyber-terrorism, the hacker announced his intention to release more information, in this case details about 20,000 FBI employees, onto the Internet. One shudders to think about additional data this hacker might have got his hands on and the damage he could inflict with it.
Turn to the next page to see why the hacker did it:
lol they thought it was great when they let our info out there
Hillary must be involved
GOOD these fuckers have let everything slip while reeling in our cheese …INComplaint
#yuge #trump #trump2016 #silentmajority #landslidevictory #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #gop #rnc #dnc #dobbs #gopdebate
News Alert : Marco Rubbio is part of the problem, he was voted into office to make changes and is never there to vote. We are at a CROSS ROADS America, our national debt is 20 Trillion dollars. We need to get strength and tone back in our leader. Get these representatives and senators out of Washington , they have so much money from special interest they are hurting our country with their paid for laws. This is the crossroads for our country , the biggest election in history get out and vote. We do not need another Bush or Clinton in the White house this is not a monarchy. Why do we have a trade imbalance of 450 million with China and 450 million with Japan and 45 million with Mexico? There is over 20 other countries with trade imbalance with the total well over 1 trillion US dollars per year building other countries.We need a strong negotiator to get our trade back so we are not building other countries anymore. It is time to start bringing jobs back to Americans who are hungry to work. Donald J Trump is the only candidate with a strong enough tone to deal with these other countries. Thank You Trump there has been no other candidate work harder.
“Humble Strength”
We the People of the United states of America One nation under GOD…Here is the Pledge of allegiance, Remember when we grew up this is how you started a school day followed by a moment of silence for prayer. We are missing the little policies in the American way that have made us great over history.
“Pledge of allegiance”
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
America is 20 trillion Dollars in debt that is our real national security threat.
We protect and send unknown amounts of American money to protect other countries special interest . The Media does not get what the American People want and need. the House of representatives and Congress is failing and the President has a pen and is writing his own laws. Iran just tested a long range missile and we are still sending them 150 BILLION Dollars… Why are we worried about feeding and clothing and protecting non Americans…… There are many other real issues Which first and foremost is 20 trillion dollar debt….
New Tax plan is out what a Great tax plan Bring the money back from overseas will help to build jobs ….. The 2nd amendment What is the main stream media talking about when they say he does not talk about policies His second amendment policies is the BEST, He is the only one talking sense … The agreements of old Nafta and old Cafta are only free for other countries We are getting robbed blind….
He is the only one to support and back our local Police 100% and let them do their jobs with out having to worry about being prosecuted…. Does Senator Marco Rubio Believe that the US is 20 trillion in Debt? or does he know where Washington is? why does he not vote to stop Obama? We give so much we are borrowing Chinese money to try and buy support from around the world … We need to get out our shovels and start building jobs, We need a leader to to create jobs not miss important votes in senate…. Ummm how can we payback the 20 trillion….. Let us let in 100,000-200,000 refugees and all the costs that go with them , no that is a bad idea !!! we need to send them back to a SAFE ZONE and get other Arab contries to help….. Wake up America our credit card is maxed out time to cut it up for the future of our children. The bias media does not want to talk about the issues….Well the “Big Super Pac” money is getting ready to be spent on attack ads…. these are people donating to the presidential candidates with agendas and a lot of commercials bashing Trump….George Soros spends millions on Hillary and the Koch brothers are getting ready to spend “900 Million dollars” on the other republicans not named Trump…. The Media likes to bash because they are going to get the money from these super pacs in the form of commercials….. Roger Ailes is going to benefit from this money in forms of Bonus…. Now think about it we can help the Pope with global warming and help our country ….. tax the companies that are shipping goods in from around the world tax China Tax Japan , Tax Mexico , Tax all with 35% tax on imports level the playing field …. those countries do not have EPA Regulations and are ruining the environment…..Give a tax break to companies who want to create jobs here and ship products out We have the best environment regulations with the cleanest air and water So there for we would be helping the world out by taxing there products that they ship into the US and at the same time rewarding our companies for following the rules of the EPA by giving them a tax break …. Really wake up American media and Fellow Americans this country was founded on “One country under God”…..and We the People are ready to take it back…. “We The People” Support Trump and the Media does not see what is happening we know where the DIRTY money comes from. We do not know who is supporting these other candidates or what their BAD agendas are, they are all being supported and bought just like ALL the senators and the representatives with agenda money being told when to show up and VOTE or have something else to do and skip vote. It is time to clean this country up and “Make America Great Again”
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” You are are Voice TRUMP 2016
Wow thanks their HIllary and Barry Bozo
Maybe the hacker will release the names of those pricks that shot Finicum up in Oregon
the dept of dhs shouldnt exist as well as all the other alphabet soup agencies
W’s fault.