According to Steve Watson’s article on Infolinks, Some believe…
“the Pentagon constructed and used [HAARP] to conduct research into everything from weather and natural phenomenon manipulation weapons to more esoteric studies, such as electronic and psychotronic mind control.
Don’t let anyone tell you.. ..this is WaterVapour!! Chemtrails Haarp WeatherModification Geoengineering ClimateChange
— Mark Steer (@SteerMark) July 10, 2015
Whatever the true purpose of HAARP, the secretive installation was in operation as recently as 2007 and happily consuming vast congressional budget appropriations via the Pentagon. The troubling factor in this story is that, although the Air Force is ostensibly transferring control to the civilian university, the bulk of the funding will still come from the Pentagon. If they control the purse strings, who is really in control of the facility?
Source: Infowars
Photo: Mark Steer on Twitter
It was continuing either way the reason our government moved on was they don’t need that one haarp unit they have many more
quite interesting how the feds can intentionally manipulate natural global weather, natural oceanic life all while trying to prove global warming while blaming it on the the populus, all while the populus questions nothing and the feds are not held accountable. the feds have free reigns to sytematically and technologically destroy the entire earth because americans are ignorant and trusting of the government. government is nothing more than an organized, treasonist crime syndicate, that deem themselves as untouchable. thier corruption and crimes are funded by unjust “taxes” extorted from working americans.
Great! Now if I burn my arm in my hot car left in the hot summer Phoenix sun I will have legal recourse against civilians. 🙂
What a waste of money!