On July 15th, the House Homeland Security Committee UNANIMOUSLY approved highly controversial legistlation that greatly increases the ability for FEMA and DHS to roundup Americans they deem as potentially violent extremists.
When it comes to issues that protect and preserve the Republic, our Congress is always divided. But, when it comes to despotic legistlation that ‘must’ be approved, somehow there is a complete consensus.
This legislation creates the Office for Countering Violent Extremism, or CVE, within DHS under the guise of preventing Americans from becoming radicalized by extremist groups.
“In the face of mounting threats, our government is doing far too little to counter violent extremism here in the United States,” stated Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the bill’s main sponsor. “Whether it is the long reach of international terrorists into our communities or the homegrown hate spread by domestic extremist groups, we are ill-equipped to prevent Americans from being recruited by dangerous fanatics.”
Bring on the war time to clean house and get rid of all these anti american fucks on our home soil including that muslim$#%&!@*Obama and i will be there with every gun i got to defend my country till the bitter end and do everything i can to help bring back OUR homeland to its original glory
First some people were complaining why were there no FEMA camps set up during the massive flood in New Orleans.Places with food and shelter for those poor people.And the National Guard not there fast enough stopping the looting.Now many of those same people talking out the other side of their mouths saying the government wants to round everyone up.I personally would never want to be in a flood or a hurricane or tornado.Losing everything I had including my food and having no water for my family to drink.Because we had no place to go.But for others who ever get in a bad situation.Feel free not to go to a FEMA camp with your family.Leave those spaces for people who will be grateful to have them.
He said women and children….. My$#%&!@*
How do you get into one of these?
I will give them my bullets first.
Just stop with the b******t
News Flash… Why folk are spreading Hate…. This legislation bis intended for ALL the citizens of this Great Country…. #WakeUp
News Flash… These Camps were being Constructed and made operational LONG B4 Obama was even a Thought… Some Folk are really brainwashed…
This is the exacy mindset they want the Masses to have which makes implementing this that much simpler… When the Economy does finally collapse we’ll see just how little being Republican or Democrat really f@cking matters….
They would have kill me to get me inside