On July 15th, the House Homeland Security Committee UNANIMOUSLY approved highly controversial legistlation that greatly increases the ability for FEMA and DHS to roundup Americans they deem as potentially violent extremists.
When it comes to issues that protect and preserve the Republic, our Congress is always divided. But, when it comes to despotic legistlation that ‘must’ be approved, somehow there is a complete consensus.
This legislation creates the Office for Countering Violent Extremism, or CVE, within DHS under the guise of preventing Americans from becoming radicalized by extremist groups.
“In the face of mounting threats, our government is doing far too little to counter violent extremism here in the United States,” stated Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the bill’s main sponsor. “Whether it is the long reach of international terrorists into our communities or the homegrown hate spread by domestic extremist groups, we are ill-equipped to prevent Americans from being recruited by dangerous fanatics.”
Lmmfao, Now I see why Republicans want to abolish the educational system, they want a nation of cowards, bigots & ignorant, stupid ppl, so they don’t have to distract folks with the immigrants & minorities are destroying America tactics…. They can just push the agenda & propaganda of the Oligarchs who own them lock, stock & smoking barrels.
maybe the camps are for corrupt politicians and lobbiest
Haha obviously none of you have read the bill. It even states that individual civil liberties must not be violated…haha what a bunch of paranoid freaks
You are a retard
Idiots unite at the$#%&!@*foundation
The house should not approve this.
That’s great stuff
They know what their gonna try and pull. I keep saying it, buy CB radios, 2 ways, hamm radios. First to go is our communications, without that we can’t know what or where their next move is. Keep communication and we have that much better of a chance to coordinate and hold our own ground
Everyone fight the good fight
Google boxcars with guillotines and shackles …Walmart fema contracts …prepare people