On July 15th, the House Homeland Security Committee UNANIMOUSLY approved highly controversial legistlation that greatly increases the ability for FEMA and DHS to roundup Americans they deem as potentially violent extremists.
When it comes to issues that protect and preserve the Republic, our Congress is always divided. But, when it comes to despotic legistlation that ‘must’ be approved, somehow there is a complete consensus.
This legislation creates the Office for Countering Violent Extremism, or CVE, within DHS under the guise of preventing Americans from becoming radicalized by extremist groups.
“In the face of mounting threats, our government is doing far too little to counter violent extremism here in the United States,” stated Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the bill’s main sponsor. “Whether it is the long reach of international terrorists into our communities or the homegrown hate spread by domestic extremist groups, we are ill-equipped to prevent Americans from being recruited by dangerous fanatics.”
Rey Granados Evo Woods
Proverbs 4:23-27
Hmmmmmm hay let’s keep this criminal elections going! Its to late enjoy your Holocaust. And it is going to be a holocaust . so go get a beer and watch your porn I mean TV!!!
Is this for real? A texas Rep is heading this up. How much is he making?
If they come to round you up than shoot the motherfuckers. Live free or die pussies.
Amy Rouleau George Soros as well. Why else would he be doing everything in his power to stop Trump?
This is wrong. Round up oboma and Muslim brotherhood and soros.
the feta camps are real and will grow but there gonna call them re-education camps.. they need to re-educate us into the NOW of Islam. except or die…I go down shooting.
FEMA agents should really give this a long hard thought
Listen to Alex Jones? Anyone who chooses to be “informed” by Alex Jones deserves Trump.
Neal, you are really shoveling against the tide here. These “patriots” are trying to keep the Musselman hordes from taking our guns and loading us into railroad cars to be dumped into FEMA camps. Just listen to Alex Jones on Info Wars. You’ll see!