On July 15th, the House Homeland Security Committee UNANIMOUSLY approved highly controversial legistlation that greatly increases the ability for FEMA and DHS to roundup Americans they deem as potentially violent extremists.
When it comes to issues that protect and preserve the Republic, our Congress is always divided. But, when it comes to despotic legistlation that ‘must’ be approved, somehow there is a complete consensus.
This legislation creates the Office for Countering Violent Extremism, or CVE, within DHS under the guise of preventing Americans from becoming radicalized by extremist groups.
“In the face of mounting threats, our government is doing far too little to counter violent extremism here in the United States,” stated Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the bill’s main sponsor. “Whether it is the long reach of international terrorists into our communities or the homegrown hate spread by domestic extremist groups, we are ill-equipped to prevent Americans from being recruited by dangerous fanatics.”
He cannot move on the the U.N. until he takes care of this country…. that was the deal and why he was chosen, groomed and trained for the role he has been playing. .
You also need to read the entire ACA Act – not all of it is concerned with healthcare – and compare the two. they spouted off at the time how difficult it was to read, etc., etc., etc., which was all bunk. It’s really easy to follow, is all categorized and easy to understand – they just didn’t want anyone reading it – which is more than likely why Pelosi instructed Congress to just pass it, then they could read it – which they stupidly did . Makes you wonder how many of them would sign a personal deal without reading it first – I’m willing to bet none would, and I’m not a betting person. .
Joe Semiclose – Agenda 21 is the prelude to the New World Order – and both are real. You would extend your knowledge and understanding if you did some simple research on the Rothschild family – they are the key to everything, not only in this country, but worldwide….
Depopulation NWO the guide stones
Try watching the video, yhey are tracking you if you do.
Funded by the UN, that’s why all the ISIS refugees fleeing Russian bombers and human traffickers aren’t seen anywhere, ever.
Jody, who do you think funds the un?
From what I’ve researched the trains that would be running on those railroads have shackles in them. Why would they need that? Also if you look up amtrack in beech Grove Indiana they say it’s a fema hub or something and the barb wire is installed backwards to keep folks in
So are the one way turnstiles