Democrats like Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) are claiming that the Pope’s words have inspired him and several others to look at the situation from a different perspective, a perspective involving the already unpopular Obamacare. They’re so-called inspiration has materialized in the form of a bill that will allow illegal immigrants access to healthcare.
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Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country
Who’s going to pay for it, the tax payers and liberals who’ll make $$$ from this.
Who’s going to pay for it the tax payers and it’s known that liberals make $$$ from these programs..
If you were inspired by the pope than go to Rome and get $$$ from the Billionaire.
heres another mental moron in govt. office who in the hell voted this IDIOT into office
Kill the bill
Not enough MEDS. , he needs to be controled in jail.
NO WAY, José
They can move into the white house with Obama
Of course liberals always know how to spend someone elses money! And it is usually handouts to people who are illegal or lazybones!!