Gutiérrez: “I assume God speaks Spanish because…”

“We can all get a chuckle from the story about Operation Jade Helm – the alleged U.S. military invasion of Texas – but it’s not as funny when we begin to realize that for many of the Republican Party in Texas, crazy is a constituency that must be dealt with delicately,” Gutiérrez  continued. “So I want to end by speaking directly to the millions of families who are waiting for Texas politicians and judges to stop the delay tactics.”

“And I will use the language many of them speak and which God understands as well, or at least I assume he speaks Spanish, because he named his only son Jesus,” he added.

Some Democrats just seem to be itching to show off their ignorance. Or, perhaps they know that when speaking to their zombies, simple historical facts are irrelevent. As Breitbart points out:

Despite Gutiérrez’s claim, the modern “Jesus” name originates from early old English Biblical translations of the Lord’s name, Yeshua, in an attempt to match pronunciation. There was no letter “J” in Hebrew, Greek or Latin prior to the 14th century.



  1. micky
  2. Dick Goesinya

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