American politicians have a nasty history of politicizing terror in order to push their own personal agendas, but the recent terrorist attack in Orlando, FL has brought many California politicians to a new low.
Dissatisfied with simply winning political points in the aftermath of a terrorist attack, the Democrat-controlled California Assembly has moved forward with a handful of bills that uses the shooting as justification to take away citizens’ constitutionally guaranteed rights.
That’s right. They’re coming for your guns, California, and they’re doing so quickly and quietly.
The five bills range from a ridiculous reclassification of common firearms to a full repeal of Second Amendment rights for citizens charged with unrelated non-violent offenses.
See the full list of proposed bills, along with how you can do your part to stop the government’s overreach, on the next page:
You can’t take away our guns no matter what laws you pass it’s against the law and any polititian who tries should be sued and put into jail because they are not upholding the oath they took to be put into office.
And California will be rainbows & unicorns
When they take away all the guns from California residents and there are still killings, what stupidity will they do next?
I live in California and I was literally sick to my stomach when the liberals voted Brown back in. I guess they have short memories or were to young to know about his first time in.
isnt theri motto never let a good tragedy go to waste???
I guess California no longer has any Americans living there, because if they did, this could never happen.
so sad that California keeps electing worthless morons to our State government.
There already gone down the drain with all the Illegals
Jerry! Get busy on that wall. And keep all of the loonies in
How about this. Gunpocolypse becomes Caliexodus with nobody to taxcolypse and jerry brown becomes nero brownimus. Oh and don’t forget the fence jerry. You promised