28-year-old Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley from Baltimore shot his girlfriend this past Saturday before killing 2 police officers in Brooklyn, ultimately turning the gun on himself.
Brinsley was seeking revenge for the death of Eric Garner, who died from a chokehold at the hands of police. Widespread protests ensued after a grand jury didn’t indict the officer who choked Garner.
…At least this thug is dead.
Is it me or does this guy’s picture look like LL Cool J?
The NYPD PBA should sue all of the race baiters and everyone affiliated with them. Sue them all until they bleed dollars.
Kenneth Oates, Unarmed does NOT mean he wasn’t a threat to kill a police officer you idiot!!! Do you have any idea (apparently NOT) how many cops are shot and killed by their own weapon by “unarmed” thugs like Brown??? Don’t let the facts get in the way of your stupidity!!!!
Coward. Protesters are get up in arms over this? Or just remain as you are?
mentally disturbed
This man has an Arabic sounding name. Not surprised.
I thought New York City was a Gun Free Zone….what happened? I thought criminals obeyed the Gun Laws!!!!!
Its called sarcasm, like how you have nothing intelligent to add. Time for bed now, let the grown ups talk.