28-year-old Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley from Baltimore shot his girlfriend this past Saturday before killing 2 police officers in Brooklyn, ultimately turning the gun on himself.
Brinsley was seeking revenge for the death of Eric Garner, who died from a chokehold at the hands of police. Widespread protests ensued after a grand jury didn’t indict the officer who choked Garner.
He will dance on Their graves. He is pure slime!!
Mr. Brinsley is currently spending quality time with his prophet.
AL Sharpton is ALL PIG
http://Www.drrimaknows.com. he is a sadist sick man and could use cbd. For his body
How about a speedy execution for the perpetrator?
You inbreds will find any excuse to blame a black person won’t you
That is the most ignorant statement I’ve ever seen on a forum yet. Crawl back into your hole Paul Tapia. You need to get a grip.
needs to be put away
Why do you nobody blame bush for the war going on until Obama sent the troops home.Do anybody care how much money was spent on the war. This cop race issue is a human race problem truth is wires need blacks and blacks needs whites. How do yall think Martin Luther King got us to this point he had white supporters that be lived that we all all one nation under God.