Gun permits and the subsequent purchase of weapons have risen substantially in Cologne, Germany since the mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve of 2015.
The police have lost the public trust, as their response to the assaults, committed by marauding gangs of “foreign men”, was paltry. Now citizens feel they must arm themselves in order to feel safe in public places.
Estimates of at least eight to ten application requests are being presented to the Düsseldorf police, spokesperson Andre Hartwich stated. At this pace, the 1500 requests for 2015, will be more than doubled, though Hartwich believes the interest will decrease.
Thus far, Frankfurt Police procedural office reports that they have had at least 13 applications a day, in comparison to the previous year’s one to two a day.
When crime happens and the police to nothing, whether by government compulsion or negligence, the people will rise up to protect themselves, it is human nature to protect one’s own life.
Read more on the following page.
Re-elect her again!
Globalists failed miserably with this. The thing they did wrong is they pulled the trigger too soon. They thought America was in too deep to not go all the way with the hoax.
It’s no wonder why her and Obama are such good friends, both of them are worthless POS.
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals always late to figure things out
Thank Merkel !!#
Joe Mastropietro like all the millennials that voted for trump because they think he’s a “smart business man” you people obviously dont know your left from your right. You’re all pretty much “the middle”, half your ideas are uneducated and uninformed and the rest are just wrong. The german government are Nazis, just like our government. They’re not conservatives or democrats, they’re just winners.
That’s what you get when you elect a liberal into office
GET RID OF THE$#%&!@*!!!
Interesting on humans react when they feel threatened…..especially by their own GOVERNMENT!!!
One day people will realize that government is nothing more than a bunch of legal criminals making millions of $$$$ off the work of the sheep!!!
Karma bitch