Gun permits and the subsequent purchase of weapons have risen substantially in Cologne, Germany since the mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve of 2015.
The police have lost the public trust, as their response to the assaults, committed by marauding gangs of “foreign men”, was paltry. Now citizens feel they must arm themselves in order to feel safe in public places.
Estimates of at least eight to ten application requests are being presented to the Düsseldorf police, spokesperson Andre Hartwich stated. At this pace, the 1500 requests for 2015, will be more than doubled, though Hartwich believes the interest will decrease.
Thus far, Frankfurt Police procedural office reports that they have had at least 13 applications a day, in comparison to the previous year’s one to two a day.
When crime happens and the police to nothing, whether by government compulsion or negligence, the people will rise up to protect themselves, it is human nature to protect one’s own life.
Read more on the following page.
They are filthy disease carrying cockroaches and they breed, spread, and invade just like them !!!
Merkel has sold out the German people in favor of non-citizens who’s objective is to overthrow the German Government, destroy Germany, and murder all who are not Islamic. And Merkel is saying get used to it because she is going to let the Islamic thugs do whatever evil thing thay want to do to you. So, Germans your Holocaust is coming your way compliments of your elected leaders. 0
Tell me the German people aren’t gonna sit back and remain silent like they did with the Nazis ?
Poor Germans!
Thanks Merkel
Start passing some new laws
She is so done!!
Look what your governments doing to you that way you not safe anymore.
Their you go, we will turn you into good old-fashioned Americans yet. So when you shoot them, drag them in the house and make it look like a home invasion!!!
A war is coming of epic proportions, the elite just don’t know it yet.