Let’s take a walk down history lane, shall we? The Liberals are screaming about banning guns and pointing to the alleged paradise that other “enlightened” nations possess. Well, let’s take a peek at our pals across the pond in England.
Gun control in Britain passed in stages, beginning just after World War I and continuing in a reactionary fashion with increasing strictness through the 1990s. Certainly, there cannot be any firearm related crimes in Great Britain! Check the next page for the results:
Heidi Cas – You replied to my post and then blocked me from reading it. Bit gutless of you Heidi
Heidi Cas – You replied to my post and then blocked me from reading it. Bit gutless of you Heidi
Also, it is precisely our 2nd Amendment that has helped make our once great nation the envy of the world. It is also what WILL AGAIN make us back into that envy.
America is not a democracy, it is a republic. A democracy is one vote away from tyranny. We keep our guns and we keep our freedom. That my friend is the opposite of being a sheep. You will understand one day, but unfortunately for you and fold like you, it will be to late. God Speed.
Are you advocating for juveniles to be tried as adults ??? Are we going to arrest 3-5-8 year old who accidentally picks Fathers loaded pistol and shoots Mother? Or we we instil stricter gun control laws and raise awareness.. Limit the amount of automatic war machine guns in circulation.. It’s not like one day America is going to be under attack and citizens will come out running with there automatic and semi automatic.. Common sense less nonsense convince me . Sell me a realistic reasons why you should be armed with an Arsenal of ammunition .. What are the chances those guns will fall into the wrong hands and hurt innocent people
I like the new laws .. They justified and make sense ..
I have never owned a gun.. I can’t fire one .. I don’t need to learn to.. I am fine and happy . I am very safe .. Remember the old saying who lives by the gun dies by the gun.. Mark my words
Just like Chicago…it’s like combat casualties rates…
The truth finally revealed.