Let’s take a walk down history lane, shall we? The Liberals are screaming about banning guns and pointing to the alleged paradise that other “enlightened” nations possess. Well, let’s take a peek at our pals across the pond in England.
Gun control in Britain passed in stages, beginning just after World War I and continuing in a reactionary fashion with increasing strictness through the 1990s. Certainly, there cannot be any firearm related crimes in Great Britain! Check the next page for the results:
Just contact some Irish gun runners
Get rid of the problem before it’s too late!
The Muslims have taken ove most of the UK. We have to support President Tump so it doesn’t happen here.
Gee who couldn’t have predicted this
The Muslims own the UK. They predict that they will get enough muslims in the USA to elect a Muslim president in 20 years. If that happens there will be no constitution and we will have Sharia Law.
They want that here
How many wars we bail them out ? Then on WW2 they begging common civilians from USA to give arms to them to stop$#%&!@*. Then the dumbasses ban all firearms and look at crime and your Dunblane incident was probably another “created crisis ” to get the common people of England to give up gun ownership. Your government followed the book of George Orwell’s 1984.
Well their choice
Mulder James: What these Muslims don’t know or realize or know the American resolve to be free and live under the Constitution! Muslims say big scary things, but will go down the path that every other foolish ethnic group has gone down! That path leads to their downfall and destruction! And the Muslim is no different than any other wise$#%&!@*who is bent on world$#%&!@* Communists,Nazis,Khmer Rouge, Stalinists, Shintoist,and every other Tom,$#%&!@* and Harry who’s tried it has ended in failure! When the American resolve goes into action, The Muslims will fail here,too! Just sayin’!