Let’s take a walk down history lane, shall we? The Liberals are screaming about banning guns and pointing to the alleged paradise that other “enlightened” nations possess. Well, let’s take a peek at our pals across the pond in England.
Gun control in Britain passed in stages, beginning just after World War I and continuing in a reactionary fashion with increasing strictness through the 1990s. Certainly, there cannot be any firearm related crimes in Great Britain! Check the next page for the results:
America is safer than most of England, even in a gun free zone .The Czech Republic is safe than England and the Czech Republic citizens pack guns lots of Cz guns , made in Brno just south of Olomouc .
Hitler said the same thing.
Statics prove you are wrong. You say “over here” which I guess means you are not an American. So you have nothing to say ! You do t like it go back from where you came. Guns are the problem liberalism is. Obama lover!
Just ask$#%&!@* Stalin, or Mao how good gun control is. They didn’t see any need for the people to have guns either. Some real deep thought as history never does repeat itself. Facts don’t matter either. Drink your kool-aid son
Now they’re trying to take knives away. Soon it will be illegal to have sharp kitchen knives at home. Unless you’re a moslem beheading a infidel. Rule Britannia.
And WHY #MUSLIMS Are driving the #CRIME RATES?!?!?
nothing but a blank page where’s ur facts I wanta c them.
“to put a gun shop within 50 ft of the school that sells assault rifles.”..hey moron..they don’t sell them to school kids and if somebody wants to buy one..it doesn’t matter the location.
Jordan, you are definitely a useful idiot of the left. How in earth do you even manage to tie your shoe laces? You stay there and we’ll stay here. Remember it was your government that we became smart to and did what was best for the people. Thank God we have our 2nd Amendment!
Liberals Lie!