Let’s take a walk down history lane, shall we? The Liberals are screaming about banning guns and pointing to the alleged paradise that other “enlightened” nations possess. Well, let’s take a peek at our pals across the pond in England.
Gun control in Britain passed in stages, beginning just after World War I and continuing in a reactionary fashion with increasing strictness through the 1990s. Certainly, there cannot be any firearm related crimes in Great Britain! Check the next page for the results:
ya but no guns makes it worse
You can still get a gun in this country. It is a very long legal process, but you can get a gun. It’s just that a lot of Brits really don’t want to buy guns because they cause so much devastation on a daily bases. Did you know that there’s around 10 people a day get shot in America? That is Men, Women and Children. Black, White, Asian, Mexican… That means that every day, it is likely that a mother will have to lay her son to rest as a result of gun crime. Open your eyes you idiots. There’s no excuse to have guns. There are still murders in this country due to gun crime, but there is a gun massacre about every 20 years, there seems to be one in America every 20 days. And apparently, the best way to stop things like what happened in Sandycook, is to put a gun shop within 50 ft of the school that sells assault rifles. Get a grip you right wing lunatics.
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and get all your friends to share ok.
How many gun massacres has there been in America this year? And you’re trying to convince yourself that only criminals have guns over here? Yeah that is true. Some good all of you lot having guns, it sure prevents tragedies like the Sandycook massacre. Oh right, because the solution to that is to open a gun shop 50 ft from the school that sells assault rifles. Well done. Your ignorance is making you blind to reality. Absolute idiot. You lot actually don’t have the sense to realise that the less guns you have in a country, the less murders they’ll be?? If you can’t admit that, then I worry for what is to become of the most powerful country on the planet. Absolute joke.
Hey jackass, the reason we have school shootings is SLick WIlly passed the Gun Free Zone of 1994 that disallows guns in schools and within a 1000 feet of one. SInce concealed carriers are almost entirely law abiding, there’s never a gun around when you need one.
They have more killings in England with knives then the us
Oh my, you are a complete idiot!! Britain has the most violent crime statistics in the world!! Why is this?? Gun free countries are suppose to be the safest!! CRAZY is what you are!!
Jordan Owen Smith, you are oblivious to the real world, aren’t you? Less guns does NOT equate less murders. No statistics prove this ANYWHERE.
People that want to kill with or without a gun. Get a clue.
I think I would rather be shot than stabbed.
Gun control AND non stop muslim immigration