Fans of gun control (read: citizen control) are all smiles until they’re confronted with hard facts. The truth is nothing like what they preach:
Earlier this week, Michael Bloomberg’s new anti-gun Everytown released a bogus report claiming since Newtown in December 2013, 74 school shootings have taken place. The report was so bogus, even CNN went out of the way, twice, to correct the record. More from Ed Morrissey:For the second time in two days, CNN went out of its way to debunk the Michael Bloomberg/Barack Obama claim that mass shootings have become epidemic and a “new normal” in American society. The day after CNN debunked the Bloomberg-funded Everytown claim that there were 74 Newtown-style mass shootings since Sandy Hook, Jake Tapper interviewed Northeastern University criminology professor James Alan Fox to look at the data rather than the anecdotes. Over a 40-year period, Fox concluded, mass shootings have remained flat — even while the population of the country has grown significantly over the same period.
Since we’re on the topic of “gun violence,” it’s never a bad time for a reality check. The fact is, as lawful gun sales have increased, crimes carried out with a firearm have decreased. A majority of people think violent crimes carried out with firearms have increased over the past 20 years. They haven’t, but instead have been cut in half.
Source: Townhall
Photo: RedFlagNews
Carol Skelton. Actually the majority r buying their guns legally.
Gun deaths are down? Really?
Facts please. Back this up, asshats.
That’s just it, Daniel Starr. They can’t back up any of the bull they post. Lie and Inaction knows what he is posting is false. He is just trying to rile up the masses.
The truth shall set you free!!!!
We’re the fanatics?? Facts are too many people are dead especially children due to these things.
Now Lie and Inaction post a link from another known liar, Alex Jones. Yeah, that will help ur cause. Who is next? Drudge report, Breitbart, or the Blaze?
Hitler loved Gun control look how that ended! don’t be a sheep to many have died for your freedoms! White wash ….. that thing government/ civil servants and f**e advocacy do that reflects the ‘whiteness’ of politics and all of its oppressive and exploitative practices. One does not need to be Caucasian to be a whitewasher…metaphorically those who paint over messes with a distracting white wash so there is an appearance of cleanliness, resolution and organization. The mess still remains under this thin coat of deception.
ted says:
“Hitler loved Gun control look how that ended! don’t be a sheep to many have died for your freedoms! White wash ….. that thing government/ civil servants and f**e advocacy do that reflects the ‘whiteness’ of politics and all of its oppressive and exploitative practices. One does not need to be Caucasian to be a whitewasher…metaphorically those who paint over messes with a distracting white wash so there is an appearance of cleanliness, resolution and organization. The mess still remains under this thin coat of deception.”
That old lie resurfaces. Hitler did not, I repeat, did not start gun control in Germany. History tells that Germany’s initial gun laws started after WWI and were strengthened under the Weirmacht in 1928. Hitler did not start his rise to power until 1933 when he was appointed chancellor. Once again Lie and Inaction puts out false information. Of course, most of the people on this page will believe every word.
Bama progressive says:
“Personally I don’t have a problem with guns or gun ownership. What I ABSOLUTELY DO have a problem with is how synically the NRA has turned simple gun ownership into a bona fide Religion!!!! They have succeeded so well that millions of people actually worship at the high alter of weapons.
Wake up folks!!! The NRA is just the political voice for the gun lobby. And what is the gun lobby interested in? One thing and one thing only…selling more guns!!!
When gun sales lag the NRA knows that all they have to do is utter two simple words “gun control” and immediately hundreds of thousands of normally reasonable and good people will go into panic mode and run out to do what?…..wait for it…wait for it… to go out and buy still MORE guns!!
They are playing y’all like a violin.”