By April 15th, any New Yorker that owns an “assault weapon” must register it per the New York SAFE act that passed last year.
But only 1% have done so thus far.
Looks like we’re going to see another massive act of civil disobedience like we saw in Connecticut.
Hello patriots in New York! Much love from Alabama!
By April 15th, any New Yorker that owns an “assault weapon” is to have registered their gun, per the requirements of the New York SAFE act passed last year. But it’s looking more and more like a tiny percentage of New Yorkers are actually doing it.
While the state of New York has not released actual firearms registration numbers, the rumors of registrations in the 3,000-5,000 range mean that 99% of those affected gun owners are refusing to comply with the law.
Furthermore, gun manufacturers are already responding to the law by designing guns that carefully circumvent its specific requirements.
The problem with any “assault gun” law is that they necessarily focus on the appearance of the gun, such as handgrip style, color, or other feature. The ammunition that such a gun uses is identical to that used by guns that are deemed legal. In other words, the style of the gun determines its acceptability instead of the substance. They all fire the same bullets.
In New York state, further adding to the problem they are having motivating gun owners to sign up, many state law enforcement officers have publicly stated their opposition to the law and their refusal to enforce it.
It turns out support for the 2nd Amendment is alive and well in New York!
No Incumbents. They have not fired Barrack Obama and Joe Biden. They have not ended our stupid War on Terror that is costing us trillions of dollars. They have not Repealed Obamacare. Vote every one of them out. They have not kept their Oath of Office. That proves they hate our Human Rights and our Freedoms as much as Obama does. Vote each one of the worthless liars and parasites of our House and Senate out.
after the registations……confiscations…..then indoctrinations….a police state….what is happening with our country that used to be great?
This UN Constitutional to say nothing that this Governor should be gone from any Office in the State or Government
lets just make up rules as we go shall we,..freaking ridiculous, who voted for these NIMRODS ???
you people in NY must be out of ur rabbitt ass minds if you think for one minute that good people brothers and sisters are going to give you there guns lol get real idiots
It’s TIME to take our Country BACK.
stand your ground
Good for you New Yorkers’
Stupid law makers have you counted how many guns the enemies have I’ll never tell you my secrets do you tell us any thing good I’m ready to die for my freedom