In a piece recently written in The Guardian, Steven Thrasher claims that revolution in America is imminent — once all the pesky white folk die, anyway.
Every day, it seems that the America’s leftist ideologues are becoming more obsessed with the demonization of white people than with the advancement of progressive policy. This type of racist commentary is nothing new from Thrasher — who is black — but it is becoming increasingly clear that liberal whites are joining in on the action, as well.
It seems these caucasian Americans are so consumed by their desire to project their white guilt, that they have become blind to the fact that the “white privilege” movement they have gotten behind does nothing but demonize themselves.
Then again, common sense has never been a strong skill among our nation’s liberals.
See what “revolution” Thrasher claims awaits America once non-whites become the majority on the next page:
And you sir are an idiot,,,,,nuff said !
If that ever happened, how long would it be before The US would look like africa?
They think there would be no repercussions. and every thing would be just honky dory. Sad , pitiful
Are you another community organizer like Jackson, Obama & Sharpton. Sounds like you & your brothers are trying to incite race hatred. I don’t see skin color, only personal actions. You, Sir need to get over skin color be an inclusive American. I didn’t own a slave, you weren’t a slave. Let’s move on!!
Bite me!
Only the VERY WEAK, The VERY HATEFUL, The Blacks WHO HATE being black Racist idiots, talk like a looser$#%&!@*.!!
you are the vile bigot and racist asshole
white folk going no where
You are half white or some other race . You do not look black ! so what are you whining about ?
In believe that.