In a piece recently written in The Guardian, Steven Thrasher claims that revolution in America is imminent — once all the pesky white folk die, anyway.
Every day, it seems that the America’s leftist ideologues are becoming more obsessed with the demonization of white people than with the advancement of progressive policy. This type of racist commentary is nothing new from Thrasher — who is black — but it is becoming increasingly clear that liberal whites are joining in on the action, as well.
It seems these caucasian Americans are so consumed by their desire to project their white guilt, that they have become blind to the fact that the “white privilege” movement they have gotten behind does nothing but demonize themselves.
Then again, common sense has never been a strong skill among our nation’s liberals.
See what “revolution” Thrasher claims awaits America once non-whites become the majority on the next page:
So all white people are racist, what a lie,more white people died in any war,paid onto social services & welfare taxes,fought to eliminate slavery,defeated hunger,poverty, sickness, in the world, don’t$#%&!@*if you don’t commit to solve the problem.
Why wait till all whites are gone?
Given the ratio of whites to all other races in the US combined and even with a propagation rate of less the 2.3 children per to maintain our current number, we are at 66 percent of the total population. I have two questions. How long are you willing to wait and will you spew your hatred to your offspring? Because in the end you will be long gone from this plane if and when it happens.
Support this alleged racism, and then deny that that fucking Hawaiian bathhouse denizen isn’t the worst thing to happen to race relations since mohammed raped his first toddler.
White Folks Discovered, Built Up, and Founded This Country, Protected This Country, and Made America into a Great Nation…….if you do’t like it here Get The Hell Out……..
The guardian? Sounds like a bunch of racists…
What a closet closed mind piece of trash. Get out more often , your living in a different world
You really don’t want to do that
It’s a blessing race baiting, anarchist like you are not I charge