According to the Guardian’s unnamed, top secret, highly accurate, clandestine, fly-by-night, strictest zipper-on-the-mouth sources, the FBI is now looking at former United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip) leader, Nigel Farage, as a “person of interest.” The Guardian, the self-described “centre-left” newspaper (which in common Progressivese parlance means Left of Left) goes on further to use all of its available brainpower to present its newest round of professional Leftist innuendo specifically designed to lower your intelligence and feed the hysteria on the college campuses and in Soros-sponsored alt-Left training camps everywhere.
And again, to make it clear…when the Right wins any election, there was a broad undermining of the vote that took place in the way of voter suppression or disenfranchisement, foreign interference, hacking, fake news or intimidation because the bulk of the American public can NEVER agree with Right wing politics. But when the Left wins any election, it is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Remember, the American people only ever agree with Leftists, therefore Hillary lost through nefarious underhanded fraud, like Super Delegates, debate questions in advance, illegal votes…wait.
The Guardian is careful to add that Nigel Farage is not being accused of anything (oh, of course not) and just because he’s a “person of interest” doesn’t mean that he’s done anything wrong (solid CYA, Guardian) but SOURCES tell them that he’s close to so many of the individuals at the heart of the investigation that he’s “suspect.”
If you triangulate Russia, Trump and WikiLeaks (because, by all means, we already have established the evidence that links those three beyond a shadow of a doubt) and then add into the mix satellite bad actors like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone, the common denominator, of course, is Nigel Farage. That is what the FBI, according to the Guardian SOURCES, is looking at when they build their investigatory profile on the former Ukip head. At this rate, by the end of the week, they’ll have Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity thrown into the soup as well.
The source mentioned Farage’s links with Roger Stone, Trump’s long-time political adviser who has admitted being in contact with Guccifer 2.0, a hacker whom US intelligence agencies believe to be a Kremlin agent.
Farage’s spokesman said he had never worked with Russian officials, and described the Guardian’s questions about Farage’s activities as “verging on the hysterical”.
“Nigel has never been to Russia, let alone worked with their authorities,” the spokesman said. But he did not respond to questions about whether Farage was aware of the FBI inquiry; had hired a lawyer in connection to the matter; or when Farage first met Trump.
The spokesman also declined to comment on whether Farage had received compensation from the Russian state-backed media group RT for his media appearances. RT, which has featured Farage about three times over the last 18 months, also declined to comment, citing confidentiality.
I wonder: Did the Guardian ever do an in-depth 3,000-word investigative piece on the $400K paycheck that Obama just received for his recent speech? Just wondering.
On Thursday Farage dismissed the story as “fake news”. He said he visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in March at the behest of LBC Radio “with a view to conducting an interview”.
He added: “I consider it extremely doubtful that I could be a person of interest to the FBI as I have no connections to Russia.”
Farage has said he only met Assange once has but declined to say how long the two have known each other.
The FBI’s national press office said it had no comment on Farage.
Hold the phone! You’re telling me that the FBI that keeps running memcon’s on everyone they’ve ever spoken to and retains them just in case they’re ever asked by the press any controversial question, that they don’t have a comment on the statements made by Guardian’s rock-solid, trustworthiness-beyond-contention, close-to-the-center-of-the-inquisition SOURCES? Shocking! Perhaps Obama will send a text later in the week for the FBI and State Department to leak some more of the juicy details to the Guardian and their Gray Lady sister in New York City.
As for the whole Julian Assange connection, if you follow the Left, he was nearly singularly responsible for the downfall of the Clinton Empire. If that’s true, shouldn’t all these high-level Democrats be VERY careful about the types of accusations they’re throwing around? Especially when he’s probably sitting on a lot more than they even suspect.
Let’s see in coming weeks if these Guardian caped and masked SOURCES with the big “S” on their T-shirts end up with more than just guesses, suppositions and back-dated memcon’s.
In response to the Guardian article, it has taken me a long time to finish reading because I am laughing so much at this fake news.
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 1, 2017
Source: The Guardian
F**e news!
He’s right it’s laughable! Now days anyone against the EU is a Russian Spy!
Why not, they’ve run out of Americans on trump team to target. Next they’ll go after the door man at trumps golf club in Scotland ….
and he says it is a witch hut… lets find out who Killed Seth
Witch hunt going global. There are some very powerful, elite globalists that are angry their plans are falling apart.