The debate over to whom children ultimately belong is one that has been growing in intensity for some decades. It’s actually not all that new, as governments have argued for greater or lesser control over the children within their jurisdictions for millennia. It just so happens that we’ve been in an era of bigger government, hence the desire by some in government to usurp parents’ rights and responsibilities has grown.
Hillary Clinton inserted herself into the debate years ago, asserting that it “Takes a Village” to properly raise a child as she pronounced in her book. This is the leftist position she maintains and continues to promote. Raising children is ultimately up to the government, she avers, as though anyone with his or her children’s best interests at heart would want them to grow up to be like the Clintons.
But it’s not just Hillary who is on the wrong side of this issue. There are many in academia who are proposing similar theories. Pushed to the extreme, it become a policy of either raise your kids within government guidelines, or the government will seize them and raise them for you.
More on where this trend is going is on page two.
My children may not belong to me but they are mine….
Well said!
Scientologists would agree.
And that is the God of Christians and Jews.
Also, children DO NOT belong to the government & children DO BELONG TO THEIR PARENTS!!!!!!!!
Really! Since when does the government get involved in family matters of others children, raise in hard times the Government didn’t step in to help, you payed to hunt and fish grow your own food, the government took over al right when, canning food was loss, controlling the water you garden with hooking you into the cities so they could tax the hell out of you, tell your children what to eat at school while they got fat on the federal programs to feed and cloth your child with out paying for your health, clothes , gas to get your kids to school and back . In my days you walked, seems to me if you did away with the Federal Programs their getting fat off and set a10% flat tax we’d get back to normal…..