When it comes to military situations, the Obama Administration’s moral compass is so mangled that it might as well be non-existent. The United States Army has just rejected the appeal of a Green Beret, who received a discharge for shoving an Afghan commander to the ground for allegedly raping a young boy and then assaulting his mother. Allegations have recently surfaced that it’s a Department of Defense policy to look the other way during the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan men.
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I can not believe this countries thinking.
Stuck in stupid
the army high command like child rapist we are in deep s..t!!
On his side!
Thats BS…
Thats ok we will take him in the new continental army to defeat the Muslims in DC!!! Beginning with Obama
Sick!! U can thank this PC
When have you ever seen another Administration remove some of our best
Military Generals and Admirals on flimsy and suspicious so called evidence!!
Wake up America!!
This is called a eviceration
And PURGE of our top Military commanders!!
The question is to what means this is being done??!!
This is freaking unreal. The msn has lost his sense of reality,
The hero is punished while the deviate is free, please this is horrifically WRONG!