When it comes to military situations, the Obama Administration’s moral compass is so mangled that it might as well be non-existent. The United States Army has just rejected the appeal of a Green Beret, who received a discharge for shoving an Afghan commander to the ground for allegedly raping a young boy and then assaulting his mother. Allegations have recently surfaced that it’s a Department of Defense policy to look the other way during the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan men.
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Support this man. Protocol would have disciplined without discharging. Obviously, political correctness is present, calling right wrong and wrong, right.
As much as I disagree that we should just pull out all soldiers while still helping, if we have to ask our men and women to stand by and watch such things then we should bring every single one of them home.
Imagine a man of courage and honor not wanted in the Army because he couldn’t tolerate a pederast.
Sorry about that, sir. You should have been able to shoot the Goat lover
What right is wrong, whats wrong is right
Obama and his whole administration need to be in jail !!!
Obama and his puppets need to go away.
A discharge is extreme for assault. A reprimand on his file is sufficient for a first offense. With that said, I hold little sympathy for his “victim.”
Know what? Good for him. They are beneath him. He should take his hard work, dedication to morality, and integrity somewhere that it’ll be appreciated. I wouldn’t want to be rushing into battle with a bunch of boy lovers, either.