When it comes to military situations, the Obama Administration’s moral compass is so mangled that it might as well be non-existent. The United States Army has just rejected the appeal of a Green Beret, who received a discharge for shoving an Afghan commander to the ground for allegedly raping a young boy and then assaulting his mother. Allegations have recently surfaced that it’s a Department of Defense policy to look the other way during the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan men.
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It’s to bad that he didn’t know that he would be discharged… He probably should of just offed the scum!!
God bless you soldier.
Give him a medal.
God Bless you. You are a real man!
We got the “clock maker muslim family” to replace him already
we as Americans should all rise up God will bless him someday and I hope someone will give him a good job
We kick a man who serves our country out of his service and let the illegal Muslim who destroy our country stay in office? Something is wrong with this picture.
That is a bunch of :p**p:
Lunatic fringe ….