When it comes to military situations, the Obama Administration’s moral compass is so mangled that it might as well be non-existent. The United States Army has just rejected the appeal of a Green Beret, who received a discharge for shoving an Afghan commander to the ground for allegedly raping a young boy and then assaulting his mother. Allegations have recently surfaced that it’s a Department of Defense policy to look the other way during the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan men.
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So sorry Sir…it’s commander in chief who denies these children to be protected. You did the right thing & God has your back, he will repay you for doing the right thing. Trust Him.
This is outragious a seul predator gets away with abuse & the person trying too help the boy gets kicked out of the green berets where is the justice?
i would do more than shove him pervert
This man did war was right, if Obama and the army are so ignorant to do this, then all the officials need to be fired as well. Being ignorant of this fact and just letting it go are to different things.
He should have broken his neck
This is wrong
He shoulda killed him…
I dont know how this POTUS can get away with much more
Bull c**p!!!! What the hell have we allowed to happen to the United States people???!!!!! How much more of this sick! Infected infected government are we going to stand for huh???? Would our ancestors sat back and took this c**p!??