When it comes to military situations, the Obama Administration’s moral compass is so mangled that it might as well be non-existent. The United States Army has just rejected the appeal of a Green Beret, who received a discharge for shoving an Afghan commander to the ground for allegedly raping a young boy and then assaulting his mother. Allegations have recently surfaced that it’s a Department of Defense policy to look the other way during the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan men.
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This soldier DID THE RIGHT THING. That P.O.S. he pushed to the ground should have been in head.
this is disgraceful, to kick this man out of the military for protecting a child, he should have gotten a medal and the molester should have been shot.
this is so sick…reinstate this man.
What a shame go soldier
This is just so wrong.
Muslims there consider this commander’s behavior business as usual. We used to consider it a war crime — until our leaders got all sensitive to Muslims’ culture. This soldier exercised immense restraint. Summary execution would have been in order if an American subordinate had committed this crime.
You sir still have a lot to offer, hang in there, someone will pick you up.
This is wrong
I agree Janet Robidoux