Lindsey Graham, a GOP Presidential candidate, while on CNN “New Day” on Tuesday that Cruz has a moral imperative to speak out against Trump; that this is about personal and party character. He continues by saying that Cruz needed to “up his game” and condemn Trump’s declaration that Muslims should not be allowed in the country and yet in the next breath tells Donald Trump to go to hell.
Moral character indeed.
Trump’s proposal in response to the terrorist attack of last week in San Bernardino, CA, has shook up both sides of the aisle. Graham’s visceral response is an attack against a man and an opinion. The outraged Graham said he would rather have “Republicans lose without Trump than win with him.”
He accused him as a “race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot.” Graham is certainly not taking his own advise of moral imperative while discussing Trump.
Find the CNN interview on the next page and decide for oneself if Graham has a legitimate point.
No, Lindsey, why don’t you go there? You and the rest of the RINOs are intent upon helping Obama and the dems take us all through a third world decline. You are not thinking of America or Americans — just about your staying ensconced in power and kissing up to the chamber of commerce and big dollar donors. You RINOs are despicable — attacking members of your own party — particularly, Conservatives in congress. That’s what is ticking off much of your voting base. How about doing what’s right for us and the country for a change?
You are part of the problem in Washington Graham, so do us all a favor, resign and go home.
Yoy Mr. Lindsey go to H E L L !!!!
Graham is an idiot….maybe thats why hes so low in the polls…
Graham is an idiot
I refer to him as “Pansy” Grahamm.
Idiot.. Donald Trump is so much more capable and smarter than this weasel…
Graham is a bigot against American people.
Graham is a nobody, that need to keep his comments to himself, makes me wanna vote for Donald J. Trump even more, he’s just upset beause there front runner can’t be bought like all the other clowns in the race