Graham: “If Jeff Sessions is Fired There Will Be Holy Hell to Pay”

Lindsey Graham isn’t a fan of President Trump. He said in clear terms today that the President would have “holy hell to pay” if he should as much as try to fire AG Sessions.

Graham says he isn’t giving a message to the President. But who else would he be giving a message to threatening the President, unless he just likes sucking up to the other RINOs and hearing the sound of his own voice.

Take a listen

Additional statements from other Senate Republicans backing Graham below the video:

Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is also campaigning the President to keep AG Sessions around.

And once again, Graham is only repeating what the rest of the gang is thinking… How big that gang might be and who all is a part. Well, what do you think?

Other Senate Republicans have taken up the cause of their embattled former colleague, who the president has repeatedly disparaged both publicly and privately over his decision to recuse himself from the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The Senate’s GOP leadership, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, have also communicated their support for Sessions in public and in private conversations with White House officials.

Source: Daily Caller



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