F*ck Ben Carson, screams the GQ headline. Angry much? Frightened that his truth sounds better than the propaganda the left churns out everyday?
The pretty little heads at GQ exploded over Carson’s suggestion that perhaps fighting back against a mass murder is better than dying like a sitting duck. The magazine came unhinged and railed profanely against the Presidential hopeful.
#Donald Trump
Yes, I am a very Proud Female Supporting and VOTING for TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!!!!!
As an American hispanic, I’m tired of how all of these coward racist liberals that hate America like Obama, Clinton, and their supporters are trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world one. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems we have right now is the media and entertainment that are always trying to tell us how to think. They have created enough imbeciles that would re-elect a failure like Obama. Even more, I’m supposed to bow down to anti-American Obama, love liberal policies no matter how destructive they are, love bigger enslaving government, and be in favor of illegal immigration because of the color of my skin… disgusting. That’s why I and others created “Chepo Team”, the first true pro-America, comic strip. Please support our cause by getting our limited “Proud to be an American” t-shirt at:www.teespring.com/chepoteam. Thank you
Liberals are absolute garbage. Why is this acceptable but simply disagreeing with Obama based on politics is racist?
Go Ben!!! We’re standing with you!
Go trump
You handled the CQ thugs in the right way
How can anyone not like this guy? He’s the nicest guy in the world
How classy GQ!
Let me get this straight. According to liberals, If anyone says they don’t like Obama’s policy, they are “racist”. But, it’s OK for them to call a black man (Carson) racist slurs if he’s a Successful Conservative? Can you say #hypocrits?