Liberals can deny up and down that Hillary Clinton used underhanded methods to conceal her handling of classified emails on her private server, but it’s going to be much harder for them after word spreads about the latest revelation regarding her emailing practices.
Speaking during an interview on Fox News, South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy stated that, contrary to Clinton’s insistence that she turned over all relevant materials to investigators, her lawyers used BleachBit to dispose of a number of them.
What is BleachBit, you ask? According to the service’s homepage, it’s software that allows users to “prevent recovery” of files that they don’t want to see the light of day. And as much as Hillary claims she only deleted emails concerning yoga routines and her daughter’s wedding, it’s kind of hard to believe that she would feel the need to send such “trivial” messages to a place where, as Rep. Gowdy put it, “even God can’t read them” if nothing sensitive were in them.
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So that means her emails were secure.
Oh God can read them I know what Tray was saying but God has got Hillary Clinton number
Get her Trey
So what you are saying is the only thing you know about Heaven is we won’t be seeing her there?
I agree, Darrel. Hillary Clinton might mislead some; BUT, never God and he read ALL of them very easily. And, unless she repents, He WILL remember!
We now have copies of whom she sent many of these to. They weren’t scrubbed from them. BUT they might not live long enough to testify against her.
not at the time they werent, only later were they destroyed.
Why would they do this, unless they are VERY bad for her. she is a dang criminal and should never see the light of day again…