The Benghazi Select Committee extracted a verified timeline of the proceedings and cover-ups that followed the Benghazi attacks of September 11, 2012, putting Clinton’s bid for Democratic candidacy in jeopardy, never mind her faithfulness to the American people. Much of what was assumed by the rest of us, that Benghazi was a failure of epic proportions on the part of White House foreign policy, has been proven true.
Find out what the committee uncovered on page 2.
hell yes she did……..
This should tell you allot about the people who want to vote for this COW! If you don’t care that she is aliar and incompetent then your sick!
Please Trey take her down.
Yes he did and the stupid left said she was victorious. Like people say you can’t fix stupid.
What has happened to our peoples minds??????? Have they lost them?
It is all liberals
i don’t believe it ,, i think it is mental propaganda
Way to go Iowa Democrats….this shows that character means nothing.
She is no American,Idon’t thank she has a Country.
she has only gained the number of lies she has told.