How about a new slogan for Obamacare? Something along the lines of “never has so much been promised to so many while delivering so little to so few.” That captures part of it, but that slogan would leave out the corruption, confusion, and incompetence that has turned Obama’s signature legislation into train wreck.
Health care is, literally, a “life or death” issue. It’s a quality of life issue. So it’s nothing to be left in the hands of incompetents and crooks.
Unfortunately, and rather predictably, that’s what has happened. Want the details? Go to the next page:
Everything about obammacare is bulshit!!!! It impedes upon out right to freedom! Like most government laws! And like everything else! A fine if you can’t afford$#%&!@*$#%&!@*Obama! I’d love to kick his punk$#%&!@* Hate that anti American punk!
The hell you say?? No!! Couldn’t be!!
I was going to pin my thoughts, but, I better not!
Everything about this man’s presidency is unconstitutional.
Obama said he was going to change america and he has…. Not the way we wanted it…… But they he wants it… and its not good.. Trust me
I think everyone that paid their monthly payments should get it all refunded. ..this was forced on the American people
The man is demanick … !!!
Yes, I agree.
But, we have to bear in mind there are elements in America that voted Obama into office twice. We can see corruption & deterioration in the Obama Admin, but, doesn’t that reflect also, a corruption & deterioration in American society. Government becomes a reflection of society & of those who do nothing.
I was enough shocked to see an article by Biden, re: Why I support One World Government. I thought this was like a “confession”, a “coming out of the closet”. Now, this is a first admission. Will we be seeing more pieces of this NWO puzzle come together? NWO is the road to a dictatorship.
How this unfolds, we that are not of that hate of our Constitutional/Republic can LOOSEN that grip in our Branches of Government.
How about that Obama handed over OUR INTERNET to the UN. Oct 1, 2016, it became final. Ted Cruz & many State AG’s sued to try stop that. A judge in Texas turned it down.
I read how Obama laughs to leaders in UN & how he will loosen the grip of America on the idea of Sovereignty.
This is all so surreal to have our president say that behind our backs.
We have to pray & hold our breaths that BO doesn’t lay another one on us. But, that’s what he does & enjoys to do best.