How about a new slogan for Obamacare? Something along the lines of “never has so much been promised to so many while delivering so little to so few.” That captures part of it, but that slogan would leave out the corruption, confusion, and incompetence that has turned Obama’s signature legislation into train wreck.
Health care is, literally, a “life or death” issue. It’s a quality of life issue. So it’s nothing to be left in the hands of incompetents and crooks.
Unfortunately, and rather predictably, that’s what has happened. Want the details? Go to the next page:
Obozo makes sure everything is illegal that he has done to us.
You think we didn’t know this dammit
Where in the world did you all think the money was coming from? Wake up.
I need my money back NOW>
Since in is unconstitutional and found to be funded illegally. I want the fines back I had to pay in my taxes for not having it!
Time to take down Obama!!!
That’s a crime charge obama
Is there anything under Obama that has been done legally, I say NOT.
Sh!t mutha fukka day-um! Does this guy suck or what?