Declassified 2007 FBI documents reveal that the government has allowed 22 Islamic terrorist training camps to function inside the US – they have yet to even classify them as terrorist.
These docs show how people from these training camps are not only responsible for deaths, firebombings and different conspiracies to commit terror around the country, there are even connections to the ’93 WTC bombing.
See page 2 for more info + video:
I’ve been saying that a revolution needs to happen in this country for a ling time. Unfortunately I agree with Darrell Subera. I don’t think anything will happen other than Islam taking over this country. I’ll die fighting though!
Apathetic and illegal/zombie voters, self-serving Republic-rats and evil Demon-craps in control have allowed this to happen on our watch…!!!
I think they are talking about the Tea-Party. You know holding the Gov. hostage and costing Americans billions.
Why not let them train on our millitary bases with our military?
Let them meet Hell’s Angel’s
There are 3 of the release from prison that were part of the group that bomb 9-11. They live right on tSeacrest Blv in Boynton Beach. So wrong why don’t they send them back to their own Country?
Give me address of camps. Sure I can find enough Vietnam veteran’s to wipe out camps
They have been training in our military
Strafing the enclave would be both justified and appropriate. Immediately!
Time to eradicate the trash !!!