It is absolutely essential for elections to have integrity for our form of government to work. This is not the old Soviet Union where the joke was made that, “someone broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election.” This is the United States, where the free vote with accurate and honest counting is not only to be expected, but is essential.
Unfortunately, this is not the universal experience. Chicago has been the butt of jokes about holding crooked elections for decades. And that’s not the only place where the validity of the vote counts are in question. California, with all of its illegal migrants, was accused of being a rich source of voter fraud in this past election.
We can also add another state to the list of jurisdictions where the integrity of the vote is in question. See page two.
This happens in Virginia every election. Democrats have to cheat to win.
Come on people.. stand up and say enough! Take our state back!!
asshats aught not p**s off their employers,could wind up behind bars!
He’s state and can’t stop Feds from investigation!!!
What’s to investigate? Throw them all in jail.
Investigate him immediately
He needs jailed he is covering up criminal activities .
Makes no attempt to pretend to follow the law or follow his employers wishes. Fire him!
Of course , he released 130,000 felons in 2016 and of course registered them to vote ,in time for the election. He was only allowed 13,000 and of course he got fussed at ,but Terry M knows how to butter his bread . Just like all the democrats who run Charlottesville Va. Along with Terry M , they wanted to get Charlottesville Va. On the map , they did , it cost us 3 citizen’s but we are on the map now! What was the message democrats in Va. Announced, ANY WAY NECESSARY !