It is absolutely essential for elections to have integrity for our form of government to work. This is not the old Soviet Union where the joke was made that, “someone broke into the Kremlin and stole the results of the next election.” This is the United States, where the free vote with accurate and honest counting is not only to be expected, but is essential.
Unfortunately, this is not the universal experience. Chicago has been the butt of jokes about holding crooked elections for decades. And that’s not the only place where the validity of the vote counts are in question. California, with all of its illegal migrants, was accused of being a rich source of voter fraud in this past election.
We can also add another state to the list of jurisdictions where the integrity of the vote is in question. See page two.
He is part of the Unitd States and he must be forced or arrested and removed he does not follow the Laws of the Land!
This is one true clinton scum communist virginia nut sucker. Thats what the pussies here in va. Vote in
Is his election invalid?
Here’s the deal, he works for the people in his state, they the people are in charge not him.
Now why would he do that??? LOL
Guilty !
Hillary protege
How does anyone refuse to allow investigations? Why doesn’t the President send in investigators and get on with it. This is just ridiculous!
In the swamp it’s called strategy not criminal fraud
Must be a Democrat