A catastrophic wave of animal die-offs has struck the Pacific Ocean, with thousands of bodies of marine life washing on shore. Whales, fish, and seals all have been reported on the West coast, dead or dying. It is definitely a sad sight to behold, but contrary to what you might assume, it is in no way a naturally-occurring thing.
It is no secret that the government and military have conducted many of their experiments and weapons tests in the Pacific. Carelessly deploying destructive sonar weapons and depleted uranium ammunition, they have endangered the the sea life dwelling in our coastal waters. Now, it seems we are finally reaping the results of that deadly harvest.
Not only does the military try out it’s new toys with no regard for the creatures nearby, but it regularly disposes of it’s nuclear waste in the ocean, devastating marine fauna and potentially exposing thousands of sea- and beach-going Americans to radioactive material.
For more about this ecological travesty, keep reading on the next page:
I believe it’s being done on purpose for the sole reason to call it a no go zone and to stop eating seafood because they say its sustainable.. The Globalists will not give up until they have control over everything.. Here’s an article I found a few weeks ago..
UN in Seafood
I, a citizen of The United States of America, am calling for the arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 of the United States Constitution for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies… If you agree, please copy and repost!!!
The more you find out, the more you should be worried!
Cause it is! So now they want to claim its our Military’s fault?? WTF!!! Anything to not have to make the correlation between this & Fukushima…smh. So what does this tell you guys? Richard? David? What does this say to you fellas?? It tells me we’re obviously trying to cover up Fukushima, but why??? Hmmmm…
Darrel Evans I haven’t brought it up in a while, but thats because ive been patiently bidding my time for this very thing! Ohh and by the way… Trace amounts of cesium have now been found in Florida’s fruits!
Yeah that’s exactly wtf it is David… You know it, and I know it! I only came to the comments to see who else could see the obvious! Why are they trying to cover it up though bro??? Why blame it on the Military???
Bull $#it! This is from Fukushima,period! Yes sonar from Submarines can cause whales & Dolphins to beach themselves, or if they are close enough, flat out kill them, but not destroy all sea life…. This is Fukushima!!!