The massive website declares itself as a “Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation”. However, the site actually tracks and makes projections on other of aspects, such as GDP and population, on every country in the world.
Deagel pulls its data from official government sources, such as the US Department of Defense, the US State Department, the CIA, the World Bank, and the European Union.
The creepy thing about this site is that some countries are forecasted to experience population booms, like India, Brazil and Uganda, while others are forecasted to be wiped out, like the United States, France, Israel and Canada.
Does Barrack Hussein Obama’s Iran Nuclear deal have anything to do with the life expectancy of America?
Looks like ditroit mi.
Ya all these girls keep popping out 6 kids before they’re 22
If Iran gets the. Nuke deal I beg to differ
War Room Full Movie
I hope they are the missing ones
not being rude or anything Joe. but with every thing going on in the US why should we think any different it not being America.
U.S. FEMA ( Federal Emergency Management Agency ) has already plotted this DEPOPULATION PLAN and DEPOPULATION CONTROL. This is one of the biggest reason why Obama wants to fully disarm legal American gun owners so that they can easily proceed of the DOOMS DAY PROGRAM! Operation JADE HELM is step 1, it’s an invasion of their own people. FEMA Concentration Camps are all over the state and millions of FEMA Plastic Coffins are already ready. This is not conspiracy theory as others may think it is … this is already happening.
Yes they are going to let Obama open up for all and any immigrants.
Democracy is nice in theory.