It’s really no wonder why Germany is having such a huge problem with their migrant population. After numerous incidents involving migrants and sexual violence, it turns out that the government is actually encouraging that behavior. A new website from the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) depicts graphic cartoons of Arabic and African American men having sex with German women. The website gives lessons about sexual positions, prostitution and how to engage in casual sex.
Read what Germany’s parliamentary secretary had to say on the next page.
they already know how to rape
They’re talking about other country’s then Mexico and South America. Apparently they do it differently in Islamic country’s.
Barbaric Muslim animals must be eradicated…
You just can’t fix stupid
Scott. the animal brothels are probably merkel’s way of looking after her Refugee friends, giving them something to do, seeing how none of them work, or do anything else. (other than rape German women and a little boys, of course).
I wonder who taught Adam and Eve?
Also we spent a high amount telling them how to use our toilets and wash their hands
This c**p does not belong on Facebook
Unbelievably idiotic, demonic.
You can’t make this stuff up. This is Germany they are talking about but it could be USA next.