A couple who have lived in Miami Shores for over 17 years is suing the city after being threatened with steep fines for the way they keep their front yard. The trouble came after Miami Shores changed its zoning laws two years ago and insisted Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll remove their vegetable garden. The city was serious, threatening a $50 per day fine.
That’s what forced the couple to file suit. Watch the video, learn how much they are suing forĀ and see the vegetable garden the city insisted they rip up on the NEXT PAGE:
You can not grow your own food…you silly slaves…the eugenics people want you sick or dead. http://www.whoownstheworld.com/about-the-book/largest-landowner/
Leave these people alone I dont care if they planted the whole yard in veggies it theres at$3for cantaloupe6$ for a watermellon the government need to go catch criminals
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Hey video boy Rama Ramadan.. take your b******t video scam someplace else. Adults are having adult discussions here. We don’t want your scams here…
Shame on the city
Oh really……Add me so that we can be friends…..
It’s things like this that is why America just needs to start killing the dumb mtrfkrs that push these stupid rules.
for what collecting rain water? next they will want to charge us for breathing the air.