A couple who have lived in Miami Shores for over 17 years is suing the city after being threatened with steep fines for the way they keep their front yard. The trouble came after Miami Shores changed its zoning laws two years ago and insisted Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll remove their vegetable garden. The city was serious, threatening a $50 per day fine.
That’s what forced the couple to file suit. Watch the video, learn how much they are suing forĀ and see the vegetable garden the city insisted they rip up on the NEXT PAGE:
the citizens act 2015
citizens act, #4.3 I think what we need to do is to come together as a nation , and write a bill called the citizens act.this bill would be called the citizens act, because we the citizens need to act to save our country from destruction.The citizens act, would be used to put citizens law into the Cons$#%&!@*ution to supersede any political rules of law by Corporation for those with the monetary means to undermine our Cons$#%&!@*ution and government, such as the monopoly held now by the American Bar $#%&!@*ociation ! this would superseded anything the politicians could do.also the citizens act should be put into the Bill of Rights. all politicians local state and federal, would be subject to a lie detector test, before running for office, all politicians would have to give up the right of privacy,when in the duty of performing their elected position, they would be subject to,recording of all communications , all meetings and court procedures would be required to be video and audio recorded, any and all electronic communications . no law could be p$#%&!@*ed that directly affects a citizen’s life liberty’s or freedom,without the citizens voting on that law. This would empower the citizens to veto any law, executive action or bill that the Congress, Senate, or president, pushed on the American citizens, that the citizens believed was not in the best interest of the United States, we should have the power to put on the ballot, any bill or law that we believe is uncons$#%&!@*utional, unnecessary, or harmful to the people of the United States, for a public vote,for example,say that we believe a president, or political party is detrimental to the survival of the United States, we could hold a emergency election, as citizens to impeach, or removed from power any politician or political regime that the citizens believes is harming this country, it would take a vote of at least 50% of citizen participation to perform this act, and could be initiated by 13 governors pe$#%&!@*ion by their citizens, also if the citizens want to p$#%&!@* a bill on their own, for example, the United States will not do business with any communist country, this promotes slavery and undermines freedoms and empowers communist countries, businesses and corporations within the United States ,doing business with foreign countries would be taxed accordingly to the proportion of business being performed in foreign countries, for example if a company or corporation does 50% of their business in a foreign country, their tax rate would be 50%, if they did 10% business in a foreign country, their business tax would be 10%. for example Walmart, sells about 90% from communist countries, their tax rate would be 90%. I have a bill, that I want the politicians to sign , they have to sign it first,to find out what’s in it, I’m sure they understand this procedure well ! What we need in The United States of America is a bill called the Treason Act. It would be used to control our politicians and political parties. It would define what treason is and would have to be signed by the politicians before they could hold any position in office. It should have the definition of treason and also the penalties. The penalties should not be limited to death. It should include all the money that the treasonous person including their family and extended family members have acquired in their lifetime in this country or any other country, including any and all properties such as stocks, bonds, corporations and any financial holdings. The definition of treason should include noncompliance of the Cons$#%&!@*ution, anything that hurts any citizen who is unable to take care of themselves due to age or sickness. no politician should make more money, than the lowest paid soldier, and should not be eligible for, any medical benefits, greater than what the people in the military are offered I’m sure that if this bill was created to control and make our politicians accountable we would have a better country. This is just an idea to help make this country better. I’m sure that there are many other American citizens who could add even more to this. It would be used to protect all American citizens from corrupt, immoral politicians who take money or gratuities from corporations, private individuals and or other governments. This should be a requirement for all elected politicians only. If you have any ideas or thoughts p$#%&!@* this on or add to it.I was asked to add this in, any politician who violates the cons$#%&!@*utional rights of any citizen, and is found guilty of that. Loses their cons$#%&!@*utional rights for no less than 10 years, and cannot hold any public office ever again. we could put something like this on a ballot and as a nation vote and on it, we could also write bills limiting the power of any branch of office, we could also dictate how much money, benefits any federal politician could receive, not let them vote on their own pay raises. The citizens act would put the power of government back in the hands of the citizens, and the power of the veto, to veto any bill or legislation that the federal government as control of right now, we would be empowering ourselves, we could also use citizens act to remove any corrupt official in the federal government, and removing the power from special interest groups, if you like this let’s try to make this happen, if we can get someone with the ability, to create an on line pe$#%&!@*ion and collect signatures, there should be no way that we could be stopped one American citizen trying to make a difference. also you must be a legal citizen, for at least 18 years before you’re eligible to vote, this is what is required of our natural born citizens, and this should be the minimum of all people entering this country ! I hope you see how much power this gives the citizens and what we could do with it. it starts with each one of us, and only WE can make it happen, everybody who believes this, this is what needs to be done, we all need to get behind this, and if it needs to be tweaked ,to make it stronger and have teeth, and stand the test of time ! perhaps we could get this placed on the ballot, by write in , the same way you would write in for a candidate who is not on the ballot ??? what would you want to add or like to see in a bill like this, send me your ideas. if you’re on board with this, right-click on the text copy, and go to where you want to share it right click and share. I am hoping to keep tweaking this, and networking with everybody I can, and keep brainstorming to come up with a version, that can be signed by a citizen and placed in the ballot box during elections I’m trying to create something, a bill that can be placed in the ballot box, in the same way we can write in for a candidate for office, we should be able to write in for our own laws, I wrote this up and I share it, wanting people to participate in the creation of this bill, I call it the citizens act, because if the citizens don’t act to control these political parties and politicians,we will just be another failed country.and before a politician can run for office,you must sign the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and the Cons$#%&!@*ution,and be a signatory to those do$#%&!@*ents,if you want a better country and government,it starts with you, in hoping that the citizens can invoke a law of their own and empowers the citizens . I was asked to add this, citizenship must be earned, before , you are eligible for any of the benefits from the United States,like voting, or public $#%&!@*istance, you must first be a legal residence for no less than 18 years, if you believe in this, share it with as many people and as many outlets as you can, it’s just as important to share this as it is to sign it. thank you Bill Sharpe
Their yard is fine! It’s well kept and very neat. They are an elderly couple just trying to grow some of their own food. How much more “green” can you get?
Their garden looks well keep an probably looks better than most lawns around them.