A couple who have lived in Miami Shores for over 17 years is suing the city after being threatened with steep fines for the way they keep their front yard. The trouble came after Miami Shores changed its zoning laws two years ago and insisted Hermine Ricketts and her husband Tom Carroll remove their vegetable garden. The city was serious, threatening a $50 per day fine.
That’s what forced the couple to file suit. Watch the video, learn how much they are suing forĀ and see the vegetable garden the city insisted they rip up on the NEXT PAGE:
Who cares, there are much more pressing issues to. Deal with.,,
They can’t it’s grandfathered in I already checked it out
Unfortunately this is happening in many states. The government doesn’t want us producing our own food. Less control they have over us.
I believe that the people of the United States of America do not understand the purpose of the Cons$#%&!@*ution and the Bill of Rights.
Our forefathers told us that we were the rightful owners of this government.
And at any given time We the People Can Take That Control Back, off of the government, at Our discretion.
We the people empowered this government with limits, Rules and laws. the Cons$#%&!@*ution does not give the government unlimited powers.
There is no one branch of government that has unlimited powers, and all the branches of government together do not have unlimited powers, the only group of individuals who have unlimited power in this country, are the citizens and any time that the citizens feel this government does not represent us, we should should dissolve this government and replace it with a new one.
This is why the Cons$#%&!@*ution and the Bill of Rights was written, to remind the citizens we are the rightful owners of this land and this government, these rights were paid for in blood and treasures by our forefathers, I hope and pray they will not be squandered on the ignorant and the ambitious !
Bill Sharpe
Plant food not gr$#%&!@*!!
I sure pray they win against the city. No one in America want’s to be controlled by this $#%&!@* mentality.
More people will be doing this soon
agenda 21 in action, even if they will not admit to it
A well kept front yard vegetable garden can be very attractive and add curb appeal, and be practical as well! Compare that to many neglected brown and weedy lawns that are unnattractive eyesores and detract from the neighborhood! I would want the former as my neighbor any day!
I say all this as a landscape designer!
Now, if it was pink flamingos , elfs, or other gaudy objects—!