Texas Gov Rick Perry was indicted on 2 felony charges for refusing to fund the office of the Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg, who has pleaded guilty to DUI charges and who Perry wants removed from office.
Lehmberg drove drunk, threatened and spat on police and had to be retrained by jailers, yet refuses to step down from office.
“The Texas Constitution gives the governor the power to veto legislation, and a criminal indictment predicated on the exercise of his constitutional authority is, on its face, highly suspect, ” stated Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Sunday that his indictment on abuse of power and coercion charges is just the latest example of “out of control” government at all levels, comparing the case with the Obama administration’s failure to secure the U.S. border and the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.
Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Perry, a Republican eyeing a second run for president in 2016, said the people of his state and all across the nation desperately want government officials to return to doing their jobs, enforcing the law and not overstepping their boundaries.
“We’re not securing the border as the Constitution calls for us to. When you add the IRS scandal that’s going on and the outside the rule of law there and then you look at what happened in Austin, Texas, with this grand jury, I think there is some extraordinary concern in this country about the rule of law not being followed and too many things are being decided in arenas that shouldn’t be decided from the standpoint of a government that’s out of control,” Mr. Perry said.
“People want to get back to the rule of law and knowing with certainty that our border is going to be secure, that the IRS is not going to come knocking on their door looking for things and that the NSA is not listening in on our phone conversations,” he said.
Mr. Perry was indicted on two felony counts last week for making good on a threat to veto $7.5 million in state funds from a District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, who was arrested last year for drunk driving.
Having lost faith in Ms. Lehmberg, the governor said he stands by his actions.
“If I had to do it again I would make exactly the same decision,” he said.
<h6><span style=”color: #888888;”>Source: </span><a href=”http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/17/perry-indictment-latest-example-government-s-out-c/” target=”_blank”><span style=”color: #888888;”>washingtontimes.com</span></a></h6>
<h6><span style=”color: #888888;”>Photo: </span><a href=”http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/17/perry-indictment-latest-example-government-s-out-c/” target=”_blank”><span style=”color: #888888;”> AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez</span></a></h6>
This is the definition of using the office for personal political gain… Holding the people hostage while he takes out a personal vendetta is not good no matter which side it happens on. If she is not required by law to step down, then Perry does not gave the right to force her to quit by holding the people hostage, therby proving Perry believes not in the rule of law, but in using his moral judgement over the rule of law
Sign of deprecation on the liberals to call on 3rd worst to hold office I recall the 70s double digit inflation, no jobs, reward the immigration right to social security maybe that what O man fishing for the Cuba immigrations empty out there prisons and crazy ward — stellar move dumb ass — that why liberal bring back Jimmy Carter back into the political light — we recalled gas shortage, hostage, terrorist attack in Germany at Olympia Park , hostage in Iran, destroy the military, Destroy the farmers with his embargo of grain to the Russian this put the farmer facing bankrupt, foreign policy was a joke much like it is now, this guy has been replace my the O man and the village people — the best way to solve a problem is admit we have one — stop blaming – and stop being fool — war of property is jobs creations — war on crime is not housing a serial killer for life — war on crime is not disarming the citizens — Obama has never got anything right –USA the country I love is no longer the greatest country – we have become a country that has lost the desire to solve tough problems – we still have a few leaders in the republican party — see none in the liberals — we are in sad shape in the leadership categories — Congresses is worthless go along with useless president — US government declare war on property in the 60s, war on crime, war on foreign oil create the department of transportations, War on drugs, — war on terrors, how are we doing — Solve any problem have to properly ID it and make policies and solutions that will address the problems. — poor need jobs, it should be measure how many people are working paying into taxes, not welfare abuse, In Europe the cars get 70-90 MPG same engine USA gets 25-30 MPG –a useless department has not solve anything accept more regulations, — war on crime — close the borders reassign the military on the borders with one standing order NO ONE comes in illegally — minefields, gun emplacements kill anything trying cross the borders –court system need to look at Switzerland close 19 prisons instead of building more, Court system waste time resource housing and feeding serial killers — get rope trial – sentence – execution within 30 days — criminals has more rights than victims — Business has more restraints with government regulations – add cost — wasteful spending — social security if you not pay into it — for 10 years you are not entitle to nothing and everyone has to pay into it — 28 amendment — Congress you pass laws /bills for the citizens — it apply to you –as well — FYI — the worst presidents to ever hold office — bottom 5 Harding, Obama, Carter, Cleveland, Bush — some folks may move a few around — but the O man is edging out last position
I stand with governor Perry.
Democrats have a problem with a man being a man.
can’t wait til one of the “grand jurors” tells how much they were paid for the indictment
Ridiculous! There should be no question regarding this woman’s job… she was caught driving drunk for God’s sake….she has no business holding the DA position unless, of course, she was trained by Eric Holder.
So…..If President Obama feels Rick Perry should no longer be Governor due to this indictment, should the president simply veto the 78 billion dollars in federal entitlement spending for Texas? Seems it’s what Perry thinks is appropriate.
What a far left farce this is….even the dumbest of the dumb democrat voters can see through this one….